Shamanic Journeys
About Shamanic Journeys
The Shamanic Journey is a gateway or a method that allows the journeyer to access the spirit realm or the world beyond the place of form. While this may sound mysterious at first, it becomes much less mysterious with understanding. Consider for a moment how it feels to enter a room where an argument has just taken place. There is an energetic quality that lingers in the room, despite the current silence. You can't see the energy, but the feeling is palpable. This is an often used example, because most people have the sensitivity to notice such intense energy. But the world is full of energies, in us and around us, continually moving and shifting. Within you, there is the energy of your soul and of many different emotions, along with energy of experiences past (yes, even past life) and present. Most often we notice the effects or forms of these energies--the argument, the internal feeling of love or jealousy or fear, the thoughts about a particular subject, but we don't tend to look directly at the energy that lies behind the form. Sometimes we'll talk about that energy: "This deep feeling of love sort of came up from somewhere within me and I felt compelled to demonstrate it." Yes, but where exactly did that love come from? Or "I was just terrified. In my mind I knew that it was okay, that there really wasn't any reason to feel afraid, but I just couldn't control it. I was leaving the room before I even realized what I was doing." Where did the fear come from and what can we do to heal it?
The Shamanic Journey allows direct access to the world behind the world of form, direct access to the energies themselves, and a way to interact with and change them, particularly for healing purposes. The Shamanic Journey allows you to enter into your inner psyche and work directly with aspects of the self--the sources of the love or fear, for example--so that healing, if needed, can occur. This sort of healing journey is best done with expert guidance.
Shamanic Journeys are taken for reasons other than healing too. Traveling into the world of spirit means that we can access inner guidance or become more directly aware of the loving, supportive energy that continually surrounds us. Sandra Ingerman has written a book about Shamanic Journeys, if you wish to read more about these sorts of journeys.
Below are opportunities for you to try Shamanic Journeying. For people who are familiar with the journey and just need an accompanying drum, Just Drumming is probably right for you. For those who have never done a Shamanic Journey before and wish for more structured guidance, that is here as well.
If you're doing a journey and you become uncomfortable for any reason, please ask for help!
The Shamanic Journey allows direct access to the world behind the world of form, direct access to the energies themselves, and a way to interact with and change them, particularly for healing purposes. The Shamanic Journey allows you to enter into your inner psyche and work directly with aspects of the self--the sources of the love or fear, for example--so that healing, if needed, can occur. This sort of healing journey is best done with expert guidance.
Shamanic Journeys are taken for reasons other than healing too. Traveling into the world of spirit means that we can access inner guidance or become more directly aware of the loving, supportive energy that continually surrounds us. Sandra Ingerman has written a book about Shamanic Journeys, if you wish to read more about these sorts of journeys.
Below are opportunities for you to try Shamanic Journeying. For people who are familiar with the journey and just need an accompanying drum, Just Drumming is probably right for you. For those who have never done a Shamanic Journey before and wish for more structured guidance, that is here as well.
If you're doing a journey and you become uncomfortable for any reason, please ask for help!
Why Drumming?
Though there are many therapeutic effects of drumming, the steady beat of a drum helps to move the listener into a deep state of relaxation or trance (a bit like hypnosis). Drumming helps calm the mind and prepare for the Shamanic Journey.
Shamanic Journeys
Just Drumming
If you have a clear intention and need no instructions, this recording is just drumming for your convenience. It lasts about 15 minutes. Instead of speeding up the rhythm when the drumming is about to cease, (which always made me feel rushed), the drumming will become quieter. That is your signal to return. If you need to stay longer, just repeat.
Initial Journey for a Soul Retrieval - Guided
Soul Retrieval Journeys are deeply healing and most often requires the assistance of a shaman. However, it is possible for you to meet a part of you that has been lost because of difficult life circumstances and begin to build a relationship with that part. This guided journey for Soul Retrieval will lead you into a sacred and safe space to meet a part of yourself that has been lost or hidden away. As you enter, please trust that whatever part of your needs to be seen and heard will come. As the guidance will suggest, your intent is to begin to build a relationship with this part and nothing more. If you ever feel uncomfortable during the process for any reason, please exit the journey in the same way that you went in and ask for help.
Special thanks to Nathan and Shaun for providing the background music and to Mike McCutchan for the recording.
Special thanks to Nathan and Shaun for providing the background music and to Mike McCutchan for the recording.